What can I do in “Buy Me a Pie!” on the Apple Watch?
Modified on: Tue, 16 Apr, 2019 at 4:19 PM
- You can see your lists. To open the lists manager, please tap the title of the list you currently have open on your watch.

- You can see the products in each of your lists. If you’re in the lists manager, tap the required list's title to open the shopping list. Please note that when you open a list it displays only non-purchased products. So if someone you share your list with has purchased some product from this list a few minutes ago, you will not see that item among the items left in the list.

- You can add products to your lists with Apple Watch voice input.
- You can cross the purchased products off: just tap the product to mark it as purchased.
- You can return a purchased product to your lists by another tap on it. Note that you can do that only to the products you have recently crossed off on your watch.
- To see the changes made in the lists from other devices you should either proceed to the lists manager and then open the required list again, or simple deactivate your watch screen by lowering your wrist.
- To scroll your list tap the clock.
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